VK Hair & Beauty, Amsterdam | Salonkee

VK Hair & Beauty

12, Kinkerstraat -AH Amsterdam 1053 DT

Holistic Massage
Thai Yoga Massage
Deep Tissue Massage
Sensitif Laser Clinic, Amsterdam | Salonkee

Sensitif Laser Clinic

8, Koenenkade Amsterdam 1081 KH

Vanina Inner Beauty, Amsterdam | Salonkee

Vanina Inner Beauty

10, Nieuwe Passeerdersstraat Amsterdam 1016 XP

Who is Vanina G. Martínez? Vanina graduated as a physician in natural health and specializes in surgery and complementary and holistic medicine. She was also trained as a Bach Flower Practitioner at The Bach Center (UK) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She studied the Australian Bush Flower Essences (ABFE) system. While working with these different flower systems she achieved the most success with the ABFE and was subsequently trained as an official teacher for this system. Today she is a Bach Flower Registered Practitioner and ABFE Practitioner and Lecturer. In addition to natural health, Vanina has also followed training courses in aesthetics and wellness. At Vanina Inner Beauty she has a classroom for giving various courses and workshops. Vanina's main goal is to help understanding healthy living, to express love for everything in nature and to use natural products in our daily lives. You can only expect the best in the applied treatment protocols.

Rug- en schoudermassage
We will work stimulating the blood circulation, deep in the muscles and with the right aromatherapy therapeutical oils to detox you from the accumulates stress and tension. Een deep tissue massage is een krachtige en stevige massage die zich richt op de diepere lagen van de spieren. Spanningen in de spieren en stress worden weg gekneed en afvalstoffen afgevoerd.
Deze massage zorgt voor een algeheel gevoel van ontspanning. Terwijl je spieren relaxen ebt stress weg zodat lichaam en geest weer in balans komen.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deze stevige massage stimuleert de bloedsomloop, verbetert de conditie van de spieren en zorgt voor meer flexibiliteit. Dankzij een sportmassage kunnen blessures zowel behandeld als voorkomen worden.
Beautyfield, Amsterdam | Salonkee


485, Jan Tooropstraat Amsterdam 1061 AE

Strippenkaart - 6 ontspanningsmassages
Je boekt de eerste behandeling online. De vervolgafspraken maak je in de salon.
Klassieke massage