Buccal massage
Buccal massage is a specific technique that targets the lips, lower face and law area. It Is a preventative and corrective technique that is unique as it blends facial sculpting massage with an intra-oral massage(performed inside of the mouth). This allows access to muscles that are not normally addressed making it a wonderfull treatment for sculpting , relaxing and improving lower facial tone. Typically a recomended series includes from 6 to 8 some people need even 10 weekly treatments, which is then followed by a maintenance treatment once a month. Results can be seen after the first visit but the difference is more noticeable after the third or fourth treatment as the results are cumulative.Face Sculpting & Buccal massage
Sculptural-buccal facial massage is a deep effect on the entire muscular system and ligaments of the face, activares lymph flow and increases blood circulation and removes swelling. The massage includes an intraoral (buccal) technique- a buccal massage is done throuhgh the mouth from the inside, a sterile glove is put on the entire hand and the muscles of the cheeks and lips. To increase the effectiveness of practice and consolidate the results we make sure to work on the cervical-collar area. Customized with cleansing, face mask and finishing with a day cream.Sculptural massage relieves tension in the muscles and restores their mobility, buccal massage helps fight creases and winkles. Benefits: improves blood circulation, reduces puffines and jaw tension, activates tissue nourishment. The skin appears tightened, toned and plumped.Face Gym by Aroma Spa (Facial Fitness)
Face Gym by Aroma Spa its a spacial massage with a lift and depuff instantly, muscle training.