Head, Neck, Shoulder and Back
It is a manual technique and uses moist heat that can be placed on areas of tension and pain to relieve symptoms. It is also a device that can help to relax and stimulate blood circulation. It also uses pulling and bending techniques to create a balance in weight bearing. It can also relieve neck pain, shoulder pain, or muscle tension, and reduce tissue adhesions.Foot Relaxing & Reflexology Treatment
Foot Reflexology Massage Foot massage:
To stimulate various organs in the body, massage the feet. And the back of the feet, internally and externally, etc.benefits of foot massage
help promote health by stimulating blood circulation, lymph, and immune system Helps prevent diseases such as constipation, headache, leg pain, foot pain, etc., and helps detoxify and eliminate waste. Helps to balance the functions of the body It has a positive effect on mental health, which is to reduce stress and induce deep relaxation.Pregnancy Treatment (Full Body)
Pregnancy Massage:
Aches and pains are a common problem among expectant mothers. From back pain, buttocks, hips to legs, and ankles. Which is the main reason that causes stomach aches and pains in this is because the body has produced "hormone Relaxin (Relaxin)" and "hormone progesterone. (Progesterone) comes out during pregnancy. which is a hormone that affects various joints and ligaments, especially the pelvis lose, and is flexible so that the body is ready to give birth But it has brought about pain with it. In addition to this, there are other factors such as physiological changes. that causes the body's center of gravity to be out of balance can lead to inappropriate posture, weight gain causing the knee joint to bear more weight as well, and stress during pregnancy This can cause the muscles to contract and cause pain. Because it is a massage to focuses mainly on muscle relaxation. It also stimulates the lymphatic and blood systems. through gentle massage No acupressure or press the various muscles by the advantages of massage during pregnancy. It not only relieves pain, cramps, and the circulatory system of the body. but also reduces edema Pregnancy tension and depression as well as helps mothers sleep better as well by using to help Mothers who are pregnant during the first 3 months should not massage.