An oasis of rest at a special place. A moment of attention for only you. Every hair type or haircut is welcome. I am specialized in Asian haircuts and I make use of Japanese and Italian biological products. Besides that, I give delightful head- and neck massages. I was born and raised in Japan and after a two year study I earned my Japanese hairdresser license. After having worked in Australia and Japan, I moved to the Netherlands in 2015 and during this period I worked for a special Japanese hair salon. In 2018 I moved together with my family to Almere Oosterwold, a very special place. Here we own a nice wooden Swedish house. The hair salon is established next to our house in the garden.
Mijn zoon is heel tevreden over Mai, hij gaat heel graag steeds naar haar terug. De rust in de kleine salon en haar kapperskwaliteiten waardeert hij erg.